Jeff Grubb


I've been a gamer since the age of five. I've been educating myself in every way that I can think for the past 10 years with the goal of working in the videogame field. My motto used to be "fake it 'till you make it," but I'm confident that I don't have to fake anything anymore. I can write, talk, and think about games as a professional, and I take great pride in that.

I currently am the premiere News Editor for Under the guidance of news leadership at Kombo, I am helping to spearhead a new era of news coverage. I also co-host the Pixel Revolt Podcast, which is the official Bitmob community-driven podcast.

Work Experience

Apr 2009 -


June 2009 -


News Editor –

I track the day’s news and work with a team to get everything that is happening reported on.

Co-Host - Pixel Revolt Podcast

Pixel Revolt is Bitmob's official community-driven podcast. We cover what is going on with the site's users, talk about their articles, involve them in discussion, and promote site events.

Jan 2009 -

Sept 2009

Managing Editor –

Managed a crew of writers to work together on a common article written over the course of a week.

Education & Skills

  • Graduated from Westerville South High School in 2001.
  • Have had nearly 20 articles promoted to the front page of by editors such as Dan Hsu, Demian Linn, and Jason Wilson.
  • Working knowledge of HTML
  • Photoshop
  • Non-linear video editing (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro)
  • Audio editing (Garage Band, Audacity)
  • Experience organizing community events.
Please contact me for references.

Writing IS hard

It is day three and I only have an hour to write out this blog. I was pretty busy. I had a long phone conversation and had to pick up Jason from the Short North. I guess I can talk about what I've been doing lately.

I've been writing on Bitmob a ton. So much so that I got two of my articles in the top 10 most viewed user contributed articles on the site. I'm proud of this. Even Aaron pointed out it was an impressive feat.

I'm still writing news for Kombo. I like Kombo a lot. We cover all the news and have a lot of style. I'm not restrained to bland writing and can let my character come to the top of my words. It is satisfying.

I'm working on several other ideas at the moment. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend some time on these ideas so I can get blogs posted for the rest of February.

Oscar Nominations and Blog-A-Day

I've decided to do a blog a day for the month of February. I probably won't succeed, but I'm going to try. However, as Steph and Yoda both say, "there is no such thing as try."

So here I am, half-writing this blog while I watch LOST.

The Oscar Nominations

The Academy Award nominations were announced today and all it did was remind me that there idea of a good movie isn't ever correct. I'll focus on the nominations for Best Picture.

The Best Picture category was expanded to ten nominees for the first time this year and it really expanded the definition of "Best Picture" for the Academy. Here is the full list of nominees:

"The Blind Side"
"District 9"
"An Education"
"The Hurt Locker"
"Inglourious Basterds"
"A Serious Man"
"Up in the Air"

I'm not going to breakdown every film. I'm just concerned about the best film on the list. I'm curious what the few people reading this think that is. Well, I'm not in the mood to build suspense.

Up! is easily the most enjoyable and finest crafted film on the list. Up in the Air and The Hurt Locker are the two best films to tackle the recession and the Iraq war, respectively. They are personal and timely stories, but they both missed the mark slightly for me.

If you don't know my feelings towards District 9 all I really need to say is that I hated it. It had great action scenes and I'm sure it is miles better than Transformers 2 (I've never seen Transformers 2), but I think it is in the same league. District 9 is stupid. The plot is lauded as deep because it draws parallels to apartheid, but those parallels are only aesthetic. It uses it as an idea and doesn't really delve deeply into it.

Ah, just thinking about that movie makes me mad, but I understand why it was nominated. I think.

Apparently, The Blind Side was nominated because Sandra Bullock is a really nice gal who did good in a movie this time so they are nominating her for everything they can while it is slightly reasonable. Whatever, I guess if I want Avatar to be nominated I have to accept that Lifetime movies are just the estrogenized equivalent.

I haven't seen An Education, Precious, or A Serious Man. Though, A Serious Man is on my list.

Then there is Avatar. I really do love Avatar. People complain about the plot, but it is never that the plot is bad, just that they've seen it before. Get over it. There aren't a lot of plots, and I'm glad this one got remade into a sci-fi spectacle. The script itself was perfectly executed. There wasn't a wasted plot-point; everything that happens leads to something. That makes for great viewing.

This is proof that not all directors go off the deep-end when given over $250M to make a movie. Peter Jackson should be ashamed of himself. King Kong had great spectacle, but it was drowned out by bullshit characters that were boring and plot points that didn't lead anywhere. I really hated that movie.

In the end, they all pale in comparison to Up! This movie packs the emotional truth of Up in the Air and The Hurt Locker, with spectacle, comedy, love, heartbreak, and sheer joy. It does everything and it does it all better -- with exception of spectacle compared to Avatar -- than the other movies nominated.

Which is why it is so disappointing that Up! directors Pete Doctor and Bob Peterson are not nominated for Best Director. Here are the movies nominated for Best Picture that have a chance of winning:

Best Director

James Cameron, "Avatar"
Kathryn Bigelow, "The Hurt Locker"
Quentin Tarantino, "Inglourious Basterds"
Lee Daniels, "Precious"
Jason Reitman, "Up in the Air"

Only movies with both a Best Director nod and a Best Picture nomination have a chance of winning either category. All this tells me is that Animation is still the least respected way of making a film in America.

Fantasy broke through with Lord of the Rings, sci-fi is breaking through with Avatar and District 9, but animation only gets token nominations. However, if sci-fi and fantasy can break through, then animation likely can as well.

Still, Pixar needs a Best Picture win... or else what the hell is the academy doing?

Watch Me Play Games

Watch live streaming video from grubb at

Well, it may not sound exciting, but I'll be trying new games and returning to old favorites. I don't know what I'm really doing a lot of the time and I'm sure that can be funny.

Jeff back with Steph!

Alright, I just lost my more detailed update so here is a quick rundown of events to be elaborated upon at a later, more rested date.

  • Flight to Heathrow was late.
  • Flight from London Heathrow to Brussels (BRUXELLES!) was late.
  • Two hour wait for baggage.
  • Got lost on way to Bruxelles-midi train station.
  • Rode past the Stella Artois plant! WANT!
  • Mentally lost once inside midi train station.
  • Pre-purchased ticket was nearly inapplicable.
  • Got on train and slept until Lille.
There is a lot more to it than that. The 777 was comfy and the food was pretty good. The train rides were relaxing and I was never really stressed out. I'll go into all of this with finer detail soon enough.

Jeff to Steph!

I am about to leave for Europe and I couldn't be happier or more grateful. I've received so much help from my friends. I am not worthy of knowing so many cool people. I'll take lots of pictures and try to keep everyone posted on where I am and what I am doing.

To everyone that donated, thank you. I really wouldn't be going without your help. I ended up with around $280 from donations and will begin paying it back as soon as I get back. I can't believe so many of you wanted to help me, but please know that I would do the same for you.

I don't think people outside of this realize how close you can get to people even only over the Internet. I don't really know enough good people in RL and that is why I am so attracted to you people.

I hope that we can all get together at some point in the future. Either for PAX or something else.

Thank you again.

Seriously, THANK YOU!

HELP! Send Jeff to Steph! And help Child's Play.

Dear Friends,

I am in a tough position. I am two weeks away from leaving to see my girlfriend Stephanie in France and don't have enough money to survive while I am there. I already have my plane ticket and all the hostels and buses are booked. I just don't have the funds.

Can you help send me to Stephanie?

This sounds like I am begging for money. But I will make a promise to anyone who donates. Every dollar that is donated to me I will donate back to the Child's Play Charity starting as soon as I get back. By helping me you will be helping a child get the most from their childhood.

Child's Play is a charity that provides toys, games, and books to sick children in children's hospitals across the world.

All you have to do to help is send 5, 10, or whatever amount via the Donate button below. I will post the total donations from the time that I leave and then I will have a countdown with receipts proving that I have paid back my debt to Child's Play.

Help me Internet... you're my only hope.

And thank you, anything at all is enormously appreciated. If this wasn't a once in a lifetime opportunity I wouldn't be doing this at all.